Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Health Announcement

Google IO and Google Health

Google announced last week that they are no longer going to support their ground breaking Google Health Personal Health Record system as of the end of this year.  This is a disappointing announcement but not entirely unexpected.  There have been rumors swirling around Google Health for quite some time and their lack of presence at Google IO only served to confirm the impending collapse.  We will miss Google Health as it was a nice story for end to end Google connectivity from Android phones.  We will also miss the ability to use the CCR (continuity of care record) connectivity as a reference example of EMR connectivity.  We will most likely interface the application to Microsoft Health Vault in the near term.  Microsoft has announced a Health Vault Mobile SDK for Windows 7 Phone Mobile with Android support coming soon.  More on that when it is available. 

In the meantime we received the video from Google of interviews with Steve Jacobs and Paul Speese.  Google IO seems like a year ago already even though it was just 7 weeks past.  They did a nice job splicing our separate videos, capturing some of the apps we showed and getting a flavor or the event at the floor level inside the Sandbox area.